Top 10 Product Strategy Consultants in 2024

In 2024, a strong product strategy is essential for companies to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market, where AI, machine learning, and rising consumer expectations leave no room for improvisation.

Product strategy is the secret sauce separating the trailblazers from the companies that blend into the noise. Every business knows they need it, but few master it. That's where the pros come in; the sharp minds who can turn a simple product idea into something remarkable.

The demand for top-tier product strategy consultants is at an all-time high. Companies are scrambling to find the experts who can help them navigate the complexities of consumer needs, technological shifts, and market trends. But not every consultant brings the same level of expertise to the table. Some have that special knack for reading the market like a bestseller and guiding products to a place of prominence.

So, who are the people you need to know this year? In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top 10 product strategy consultants who are setting the bar high in 2024. Whether you're looking for someone to revolutionize your product line or just need a fresh perspective, these are the consultants who can make it happen.

The Rising Importance of Product Strategy in 2024

In 2024, product strategy isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s the difference between staying ahead of the curve and getting left in the dust. Business is changing faster than ever, with new technologies, shifting consumer expectations, and fierce competition around every corner. Companies can’t afford to wing it when it comes to product development anymore. 

This year, we’re seeing the stakes rise even higher. AI, machine learning, and other emerging tech are transforming how products are designed and brought to market. Consumers are more informed and demanding, expecting seamless experiences, personalization, and ethical practices from the brands they choose. Meanwhile, global markets are more interconnected, but they also come with their own complexities, like the need to localize products while maintaining brand consistency.

Without a solid product strategy, companies risk launching products that miss the mark, wasting resources on failed initiatives, or simply falling behind competitors who are more in tune with what the market really wants. If 2023 was the year of catching up, 2024 is the year of staying ahead. Product strategy has never been more crucial.

The Top 10 Product Strategy Consultants in 2024

When it comes to product strategy, having the right expert in your corner can make all the difference. The best consultants don’t just help you build a better product—they help you build a better vision, one that synchronizes perfectly with market demands and future trends. In 2024, a handful of consultants are leading the charge, shaping industries, and driving innovation in ways that others can only aspire to.

In this section, we’ll dive into the profiles of the top 10 product strategy consultants you need to know this year. From seasoned veterans with decades of experience to rising stars shaking up the industry, these are the minds that are transforming ideas into market-leading products. Whether you're a startup looking for a breakthrough or an established company aiming to stay on top, these are the consultants who can help you get there.

1. RebelDot

Location: Cluj, Romania

Founded: 2018

RebelDot has earned its reputation as a go-to product strategy consultant for companies looking to develop data-driven products that not only fuel innovation but also ensure long-term success in a fast-moving market. Their approach is laser-focused on helping businesses unlock the full potential of their products by staying rooted in a user-centric development process.

What RebelDot Brings to the Table:

  • Deep Market Research: RebelDot doesn't just scratch the surface—they dive deep into your target market, the competition, and emerging industry trends. Their insights reveal untapped opportunities and help shape a product strategy that’s both forward-thinking and grounded in real-world data.
  • User Persona Development: Understanding your audience is key, and RebelDot is incredible at creating detailed user personas that capture the needs, goals, and pain points of your target market. This allows you to design products that truly resonate and deliver exceptional experiences.
  • Product Roadmapping: With a clear and actionable roadmap in hand, RebelDot ensures that your product development stays on track. They prioritize features, milestones, and timelines, so your resources are used efficiently and your goals are always within reach.
  • Competitive Analysis: In a crowded market, standing out is critical. RebelDot’s thorough competitive analysis identifies your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, helping you carve out a unique position that utilizes your product’s distinct value propositions.
  • Data Analytics and Insights: RebelDot doesn’t just rely on intuition—they use advanced analytics tools to collect and interpret user data. This data-driven approach enables informed decision-making and continuous product improvements that keep you ahead of the curve.
  • Go-to-Market Strategy: Launching a product is no small feat, but RebelDot makes sure you’re ready to hit the ground running. They craft comprehensive go-to-market strategies that cover everything from pricing and positioning to messaging and distribution channels, ensuring maximum market penetration and user adoption.

2. Miquido

Location: Krakow, Poland

Founded: 2011

Miquido is a product strategy consultant who understands that scaling up is where the real challenge begins. With over half of projects failing early on, a solid product strategy is essential. Miquido helps businesses create a strategy that works with users’ overall vision and drives long-term success. 

What Miquido Brings to the Table:

  • Market Insights: Miquido conducts in-depth research to identify competitors, trends, and market segments, helping tailor products to users’  audiences.
  • Idea Validation: They validate ideas through frameworks like Market Validation and User Personas, ensuring the product solves real problems.
  • Prototyping and MVP: Miquido’s quick and affordable approach to prototyping and MVP development tests the product’s market fit and technical feasibility.

3. Goji Labs

Location: Los Angeles, California

Founded: 2014

Goji Labs knows that a winning product strategy is all about alignment—connecting product ideas with user demand, business models, and a go-to-market approach. They specialize in helping businesses, particularly in the B2B space, find that sweet spot where market needs meet strategy.

What Goji Labs Brings to the Table:

  • Product Requirements Doc: Goji Labs provides a detailed blueprint outlining the necessary features and specs for new products, ensuring that nothing is overlooked.
  • Comprehensive Roadmap: With an extensive development and release plan, Goji Labs ensures the project stays on track and in sync with strategic goals.
  • Prioritization Frameworks: Goji Labs helps focus on what matters most with structured methods to rank tasks and projects by their impact and urgency.
  • Recommended Actions: They offer specific, actionable steps to help achieve objectives, whether launching a new product or entering a new market.

4. Fresh Consulting

Location: Bellevue, Washington 

Founded: 2007

Fresh Consulting takes a hands-on, innovative approach to product strategy, helping businesses transform ideas into lasting value. Whether refining an existing product, breaking into a fresh market, or developing something entirely new, their product strategy consultants are ready to guide users through every step.

What Fresh Consulting Brings to the Table:

  • Strategic Insights: Fresh gathers essential data about customers, market segments, and business opportunities, helping expand reach and capture untapped markets.
  • Human-Centered Design: Fresh focuses on creating delightful user experiences by combining deep user research with the latest trends and data. Their approach ensures that every product resonates with real customer needs.
  • Business-Driven Decisions: Fresh understands that every organization is unique. They take specific context into account, ensuring that business decisions are durable and that R&D investments yield maximum results.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Partnering with Fresh means working with in-house experts in software, hardware, and robotics. Their Fresh Labs team is at the forefront of emerging technologies, providing fit-for-purpose solutions through prototypes and real-world testing.

5. Closeloop Technologies

Location: Mountain View, California

Founded: 2011

Closeloop Technologies offers a full-scale approach to product strategy consulting. They bring digital solutions to life with expertise that spans across 200+ technologies and over 250 successful projects. With 70 million hours of dedicated work and a 100% client retention rate, Closeloop ensures that products not only make an impactful entrance but also sustain growth.

What Closeloop Technologies Brings to the Table:

  • Strategic Product Conceptualization: Closeloop dives into market needs to craft compelling product concepts. They combine cutting-edge technologies with industry insights to create solutions that truly resonate with the target audience.
  • Design Studio Excellence: Their design studio is great at creating visually stunning and functional user interfaces. Closeloop’s approach merges creativity with design to ensure the product stands out and performs seamlessly across various platforms.
  • Wireframing and Interactive Prototyping: Simplify the transition from idea to execution with Closeloop’s wireframing and interactive prototyping services. Their use of advanced tools and techniques ensures the product’s design is both captivating and conversion-focused.
  • Product Modernization: If legacy technologies are stifling potential, Closeloop’s modernization services will revitalize the product. They enhance performance, usability, and longevity, paving the way for greater efficiency and innovation.

6. Netguru

Location: Poznan, Poland

Founded: 2006

The business of digital products can be scary, with over 9 million apps globally and a staggering 95% of new products failing. Netguru’s product strategy consultants are experts in turning these challenges into opportunities, offering a robust framework to ensure success from vision to launch and beyond.

What Netguru Brings to the Table:

  • Strategic Validation: Netguru helps determine whether the product concept aligns with actual market demand. By evaluating the problem's significance and potential user preference, they provide clarity on whether the product can get noticed.
  • Intuitive Design Solutions: Effective UX and UI are pivotal for user satisfaction and retention. Netguru's approach ensures that product designs are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, enhancing overall customer experience.
  • Roadmap and Vision Planning: Establishing a compelling vision is just the beginning. Netguru collaborates to create a roadmap, considering market shifts and potential risks to keep the product on track toward its goals.

7. Coax Digital

Location: Novyi Rozdul, Ukraine

Founded: 2010

For creating unique product value and ensuring market success, Coax offers some of the best product strategy consulting services. With a focus on thorough validation, feature prioritization, and precise technology selection, Coax transforms product concepts into impactful market solutions. Their approach ensures that products not only meet user needs but also have a high focus on outperforming competitors.

What Coax Brings to the Table:

  • Product Concept Validation: Coax helps validate product concepts through market research and rapid prototyping. They identify and address real user problems, ensuring the product’s value proposition is well-aligned with market demand.
  • Mission Statement Actualization: They assist in crafting a compelling mission statement by defining trends, identifying market gaps, and gathering feedback. This ensures that the product’s mission meshes well with its value proposition and market potential.
  • Feature Prioritization: Coax focuses on prioritizing features that deliver significant value. They use data-supported methods to differentiate essential features from those that are less critical, enhancing product adoption and user satisfaction.
  • Technology Selection and Implementation: Coax guides the selection of appropriate technologies to support product goals. Their expertise ensures that the tech stack is well-suited for efficient development, scaling, and delivering a superior user experience.
  • Project Roadmap Development: They create detailed road maps that outline objectives, milestones, and potential risks. This structured approach helps in organizing workflows, setting clear tasks, and ensuring timely and effective product development.

8. Maruti Techlabs

Location: Austin, Texas + Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Founded: 2009

Maruti Techlabs is a great choice for transforming visionary ideas into market-ready products, as a product strategy consultant. With over 14 years of experience, a team of 250+ professionals, and more than 100 successful projects, they deliver comprehensive product strategies that ensure impactful launches and sustained growth.

What Maruti Techlabs Brings to the Table:

  • Product Vision Alignment: Maruti Techlabs helps ensure that the product vision works seamlessly with outlined goals. Their product strategy consulting services include developing a detailed roadmap that links KPIs with operational metrics, guiding the product from initial concept through to launch.
  • Competitive Analysis: They perform in-depth analysis of competitors to uncover strengths and weaknesses. This competitive insight helps in benchmarking the product, understanding user experiences, and identifying advantages to surpass competitors.
  • Product Research: Their product strategy consulting includes extensive competitor research. By assessing features and creating differentiation roadmaps, Maruti Techlabs places user needs at the core of the product development process.
  • Innovation Strategy: As a seasoned product strategy consultant, Maruti Techlabs provides end-to-end support in transforming innovative ideas into reality. They utilize their full-service team of strategists, designers, developers, and engineers to deliver their consultation and implementation services.
  • Design Thinking Strategy: Maruti Techlabs uses design thinking methodologies to craft user-centric solutions. This approach ensures that every aspect of the product design process considers and addresses the human experience, from ideation to execution.
  • UX Product Roadmaps: Their consulting services include developing detailed UX roadmaps that work in parallel with KPIs and are feasible for implementation. These roadmaps help communicate business requirements effectively to development teams.
  • Personas & Journey Mapping: Maruti Techlabs utilizes personas and journey mapping to enhance user experience. This strategy involves mapping the product journey with user personas to improve interactions and better meet user expectations.
  • Conceptual Design & Storyboarding: Through conceptual design and storyboarding, Maruti Techlabs identifies user needs and expectations. This approach helps in understanding user requirements through storytelling, which informs feature development and drives innovative solutions.

9. Thiga

Location: Paris, France + Madrid, Spain

Founded: 2014

Thiga is a product strategy consultant known for redefining product strategies with agility and precision. Merging the rigorous approach of traditional consulting with the dynamic spirit of startups, Thiga offers a flexible engagement model ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months. Their expertise helps quickly translate innovative ideas into actionable strategies.

What Thiga Brings to the Table:

  • Define a Product Strategy: Thiga operates at various levels, whether for an entire company, a specific product, or a particular feature. They craft tailored strategies that align with business goals and market demands.
  • Analyze Performance: They rigorously evaluate product performance to identify areas for improvement and growth. This analytical approach ensures that strategies are data-driven and impactful.
  • Product Vision Definition: Thiga helps define a clear and compelling product vision. This vision serves as the cornerstone for planning and development, guiding the product toward long-term success.
  • Quick Validation of Ideas: They quickly validate product ideas through iterative cycles, reducing risk and ensuring that concepts are both feasible and keep up with market needs.
  • Growth Strategy Development: Thiga helps set up robust growth strategies that support scaling efforts and maximize market potential. Their approach ensures that growth initiatives are well-planned and executable.
  • Revenue Model Identification: They help in identifying and establishing effective revenue models, ensuring that products are not only innovative but also commercially viable.
  • Boosting Existing Product Performance: Thiga helps boost the performance of existing products by applying their expertise to refine and optimize features for better user engagement and business results.

10. Digital Scientists

Location: Alpharetta, Georgia

Founded: 2007

Digital Scientists brings over 15 years of experience to the table, offering product strategy consulting that’s all about turning big ideas into successful, market-ready products. They don’t just focus on deploying great software; they’re committed to ensuring your business thrives long after launch. Their approach is holistic, combining market insights, customer experience, and delivery strategy to guide your product from vision to commercialization.

What Digital Scientists Brings to the Table:

  • Product Strategy Consulting: Digital Scientists helps define your market problem, craft a compelling positioning statement, and analyze your competition. Their team excels in creating strategies that make your product stand out in a crowded market.
  • Experience Strategy Consulting: By reviewing user workflows and mapping customer journeys, Digital Scientists ensures your product delivers a top-notch user experience. Their UI design audits make sure your interface is not only functional but delightful to use.
  • Delivery Strategy Consulting: With robust delivery plans, digital architecture reviews, and AI opportunity analysis, Digital Scientists creates a roadmap that inspires confidence and guides your product to successful execution.

The Top 10 Product Strategy Consultants Breakdown Table

Name Clutch Rating Min. project size Avg. hourly rate
RebelDot 4.9/5 $100,000+ $50 - $99+
Miquido 4.9/5 $25,000 $50 - $99+
Goji Labs 5.0/5 $25,000 $100 - $149
Fresh Consulting N/A N/A $200 - $300
Closeloop Technologies 5.0/5 $25,000 $25 - $49
Netguru 4.8/5 $25,000 $50 - $99
Coax Digital 4.9/5 $10,000 $50 - $99
Maruti Techlabs 4.8/5 $25,000 $25 - $49
Thiga N/A N/A N/A
Digital Scientists 4.9/5 $25,000 $150 - $199


There are a lot of product strategy consultants out there, honestly more than we could ever count. This makes it even more confusing and overwhelming when looking for someone to collaborate with on your own. 

What’s important to note is that as many good consultants as there are out there, there are an equal amount that aren’t worth your time, which is why we compiled this list. Use it to your advantage anytime you feel like pulling your hair out in your search.

If you’re looking to get something started with a top-tier consultancy right away, then look no further than RebelDot. Not only are you working with the best of the best, but you’ll be set up for success in the long run in this business world that’s always changing. Get in touch today.


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